Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Patrick Heymans (1 January 2012 to 30 April 2012).

    • Subject: Software and Information Systems Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Software Product Lines, Software Evolution.

    • Institution: University of Namur (Belgium).

  • Gabriel Tamura (October 2012).

    • Subject: Software architecture, dynamic software adaptation, and engineering of self-adaptive software systems.

    • Institution: University ICESI (Cali, Colombia).

  • Norha Villegas (October 2012).

    • Subject: Application of software engineering models, techniques and architectures to the development of self-adaptive and self-managing systems.

    • Institution: University of Victoria, Canada.

  • Diego Mendez (from June 2012 until November 2012).

    • Subject: Characterization of API Usage Diversity for Driving API-based Software Repair.

    • Institution: National University of the Center of the Buenos Aires Province (Argentina).

  • Daniel René Fouomene Pewo (from May 2012 until October 2012).

    • Subject: Elastic solution to tolerate peak load of users and queries generated by the so-called Slashdot effect.

    • Institution: University of Youndé (Cameroun).

  • Maxence G. de Montauzan (from March 2012 until July 2012).

    • Subject: An Empirical Study of Exception-Handling Design Strategies In Open-Source Applications.

    • Institution: University Lille 1 (France).

  • Anthony Da Costa Maia (from March 2012 until July 2012).

    • Subject: Extracting Knowledge from the Q&A Website StackOverflow at Debug Time.

    • Institution: University Lille 1 (France).

  • Sébastien Poulmane (from June 2012 until August 2012).

    • Subject: Integrating third-party sensors in the Bee.sense platform.

    • Institution: University Lille 1 (France).